Easy 6502
Asamblare şi execuţie într-un emulator scris în JavaScript de Stian Søreng şi Nick Morgan
A presentation, in Romanian, of the source-code of (a fork of) the popular emulator Easy6502. Several commentaries are made about the source-code itself and about specifics regarding the 6502 microprocessor. It can be used as an auxiliary text for an introductory course on programming in assembly languages. Available on-line at bit.ly/easy6502cartea. One can try out the emulator at bit.ly/easy6502.
2024, Editura Sitech, Craiova
Formule, comentarii
A presentation, in Romanian, of several important properties of ellipses (conical sections). The proofs are based on vector calculus. Available on-line at bit.ly/elipse2022.
2023, Editura Sitech, Craiova